Aug 23, 2015

Relational databases-two styles of development

Describe the opposition between an atomic and row-based style versus a holistic, SQL and set-based style, under construction, within a relational database.

My friend, Stefan Ardeleanu, has publish a book on Amazon about Relational databases. This book is about how to write the best software code within a relational database. The main objective is to reveal the contrast between two possible styles of development.
First style, dedicated to to application developers, it is an atomic row and process oriented style inspired by structured programming models.The majority of developers build the code in the relational database in the same manner as the user interface.We talk here about the classic style of programming.
The second style of coding is holistic set of data and SQL oriented.We talk about the style of a database developer.
The book is diveded in two main parts. First part of the book is conceptual. The aim is to explain, describe and compare the two development styles. The second part is very convenient. I described a series of practices, taken from two popular systems such as Oracle and SQL Server. 

I invite you to click here now, in order to read more about this fantastic book. 

In the It world we can find all kind of performance issues related to relational databases, because of the incorrect use of the atomic and style of programming.  

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